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BookRiot YA Box Ahoy!

So BookRiot’s subscription boxes have left (which considering the auto-subscription BS Quarterly pulled after BookRiot left makes me glad they’re no longer getting my money. Oi.), and last week, I got the new YA box! Hopefully, everyone’s gotten it by now so I won’t spoil anyone!

In case I forgot to mention it the last time I got a box, I just freaking love mail. There’s something so delightful about writing letters and sending them or opening your mail box to find that someone has sent you something. It’s a rush whenever I find something that isn’t a bill – that’s half the reason I order online: just to see a fun thing show up at my house. Hell, even epistolary stories will never be anything but a fave of mine, too. Thus my getting the occasional subscription box. I can’t afford them all the time – oh the joys of being an adult and prioritizing bills/food/gas/etc. over prizes – but when I can, I’m always super excited to get them.

And oh boy, this box was worth my excitement! So, without further ado, here’s what I got:

IF I WAS YOUR GIRL by Meredith Russo + a signed bookplate: Guys, I’ve been wanting this book so much. It’s a story about a trans girl written by a trans woman that even has a trans model on the book cover. This is gloriously #ownvoices to the max, and everyone I know has raved over how good this is. I actually came very, very close to buying it a week or two ago (like stood in a Hastings for twenty minutes arguing with myself about the fact that I was broke and couldn’t afford to buy it this month LOL). But lucky me – the universe decided I needed the book as much as I wanted it! Score!

THE NEW GUY (AND OTHER SENIOR YEAR DISTRACTIONS) by Amy Spalding + a signed bookmark: This book actually wasn’t on my radar – as y’all probably noticed, I tend to lean towards SFF as opposed to contemporary YA - but man does this look like it will be fun! Plus, reading it will take me out of my genre lane reading rut, which I’ve been trying to do more this year.

Five readerly buttons created just for BookRiot from + a 10% off coupon: These buttons are adorable y’all – they even have a koala!! Really, need I say more about why these are a delight? I didn’t think so.

A “Reading Nook” scented candle: This was my only minus to this box, mostly because I have some migraine triggers with different scents unfortunately. My roommate, however, was thrilled to get to snag it from me. My other issue with a candle arriving in the mail – guys, it’s July and I live in Texas. Average temp for the past two weeks has been upper 90s to low 100s. This candle was just barely solid when I pulled it out of the mailbox. If it hadn’t been the kind that came sealed in a metal tin, I would probably have candle wax all over my books and would be very upset. I like the idea of a candle, but BookRiot might want to consider that mail is going to be sitting out in summer heat. This could have been a bit of a disaster.

Last, but not least, oh holy GORGEOUS tote bag featuring the cover art and a quote from THE WALLS AROUND US by Nova Ren Suma: Seriously high quality canvas tote that I would actually trust to carry things in as opposed to some of the super thin fabric ones like what you get at the grocery store. I’ve actually got the book that inspired the tote sitting on my TBR Mountain as well, and I can’t wait to have use the tote to carry the book to read at work. I know, I know. I’m a nerd that way ;)

But yeah, that’s my box! And considering the books alone totaled $36, and I got a ton of other goodies, AND shipping was included, I’d say this box was definitely worth the purchase price!

Anyone else have a fun subscription box they like to get, bookish or otherwise? Let me know @C_L_McCollum!

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